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25 April 2013

BTC Siksha Mitra Semester Exam 2013 postponed to New Date

BTC and Siksha Mitra candidates may be disappointed with this news but we would like to inform you that UP BTC and Siksha Mitra exam have been postponed. This news is published in rashtriya sahara Varanasi edition of 25 April 2013 page 1. Reason behind the postponement of the BTC and siksha Mitra semester examination is told that exam preparation yet not completed. that ‘s why BTC and Siksha Mitra exam have been postponed to uncertain date yesterday late night. Written exam new date / revised date will be announced by exam controlling authority of uttar pradesh shortly. Around 50 thousands candidates of UP BTC of various semesters and year, and around 1.5 lakh siksha Mitra waiting their semester examination since long time. Previously BTC and siksha Mitra exam was schedule to held on 29 April to 8 may 2013. Some sources saying that recently a little dispute happens between the employees of exam controlling authority of uttar pradesh that why’s employees denied to do work till 5 days. So exam preparation not completed with in time. Some source also saying that mostly DIET not send the application form of BTC and siksha Mitra of various semester that’s why this delay happening in conducting the examination within time. So officer are also in confusion about the exact no of the candidates.  answer sheet for BTC exam not deposited till yesterday in the office of exam controlling of up from government press.
Well when the new exam dates will be announce for BTC exam it’s a big suspense but due to late session of BTC candidates, now trainee are facing a lot of problems and suspected about future. Its expectation that now new exam date will be announced after 15 may.
Its situation for btc examination, now exam controlling authority of uttar pradesh today published the notification for UPTET exam 2013 so candidates are suspected about how department will conduct examination for more 10 lakh candidates of UPTET. Its big questions and big challenge now raising in front of department.


  1. will u plz tell me ,dis exam is postponed only for shikshamitras or for btc students also........plz do me confirm asap.....!!!!!!


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