UOH is the acronym of University of Hyderabad. UOH a leading university of post Graduate Distance Education and Diploma courses in the country, University of Hyderabad was established on 2nd October 1974. UOH is Central University of India. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) provide A grade to UOH. Hyderabad university conducte the Distance education Program and various diploma courses through a Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning. This Centre was officially established in 1994 and famous as oldest centers of the UOH.
Hyderabad University Distance Education Post Graduate Diploma Courses Details
Post-Graduate Diploma in -
Project Management PGDPM / Library Automation & Networking PGDLAN / Chemical Analysis & Quality Management PGDCAQM / Laws & Intellectual Property Rights PGDCL&IPR / Business Management PGDBM/ Communicative English PGDCE / Diploma in Energy Management PGDENM / Criminal Justice & Forensic Science PGDCJ&FS / Governance PGDG / Human Rights PGDHR / Translation Studies in Hindi PGDTSH / Tele-Communications PGDTC/ communication and translation techniques in Telugu PGDMC&TTT / Medicinal Botany PGDMB / Consumer Education PGDCE/ Sustainable Rural Development PGDSRD / Technology Management in Agriculture PGD-TMA
Above Post Graduate diploma programs offered by NIRD (national institute of rural development), NAARM (national academy of agriculture research management), and GVK bio science Private limited. So please refer official website for more information about Eligibility criteria, Education qualification and Admission Details.

Important Website Links
National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD www.nird.org in
National Academy of Agricultural Research Management. NAARM :www.naarm.ernet
Download UOH Distance Education admission 2012 Prospectus
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