Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad (MNNIT ALLAHABAD) is one of the best colleges in NIT ranking regarding campus placement of B.tech 2012 session. A talented B.tech student of NIT Allahabad of electronics branch offered for 1.34 Crore package by Facebook. This is the 1st biggest package of campus placement in MNNIT history . Facebook asked to this student to report in the month of October at california facebook office. Mnnit published a notification regarding the placement package offered by faceebok . This B.tech 4th year electronics student has been selected via telephonic interview. There are so many interview round held for selection of FB. This beneficiary student has requested to college for not revealing their name publicly due to security issue .selected student belong from city of Kanpur and studying in Allahabad. On the other hand 30 other student got campus placement above 10 lakh package. Its historical placement of MNNIT that’s showed to glory of academic performance by NIT students
One and many might have got good placement but I will rate this Institute the worst